Table information for 'vhe_redshifts.main'


Table Description: This table contains the name and coordinates of each selected source, published information about its redshift when available, the name and coordinates of its counterpart, and the magnitudes obtained in the Pan-STARRS (DR2), DSS (USNO-B1.0), and Gaia (EDR3) surveys. The names of the counterparts are taken from the Fermi-LAT 4LAC-DR3 catalogue, and they were subsequently verified and replaced in a few cases as necessary. The coordinates of the counterparts are the optical ones when available (the Status column is then set to 1). Details on detectability by CTAO are provided in the "CTAO simulations" table.

This table is available for ADQL queries and through the TAP endpoint.

Resource Description: This resource is dedicated to the redshift determination of gamma-ray blazars whose distance is unknown and which are good candidates for the next generation of ground-based Cherenkov telescopes (CTAO). It supports the Redshift Determination Group of the CTAO consortium. Sources are selected from blazars in Fermi-LAT catalogues that still lack redshift data. Their detectability with CTAO is evaluated via Monte Carlo simulations. This resource provides access to a database containing useful information for determining the redshift of the selected sources: coordinates, counterparts, magnitudes, host properties, optical spectra, light curves, CTAO detectability, etc. It also includes the redshift status and is updated with new redshift results as soon as they become publicly available. We strive to ensure that the contents of the database are complete and accurate.

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'VHE Redshifts'

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Citing this table

To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:

  title={{VHE} Redshifts},
  author={{CTAO} redshift group},
  howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {PADC} {TAP} Server on}



Sorted alphabetically. [Sort by DB column index]

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
counterpart_DEC_ASSOC Counterpart_dec_assoc declination (J2000) of the counterpart deg pos.eq.dec
counterpart_name Counterpart_name counterpart name N/A;src
counterpart_RA_ASSOC Counterpart_ra_assoc right ascension (J2000) of the counterpart deg pos.eq.ra
counterpart_reference Counterpart_reference link for the counterpart reference N/A meta.ref.url
counterpart_status Counterpart_status optical counterpart status (0 or 1) N/A meta.code
fhl_classification Fhl_classification source class in the 3FHL catalogue N/A src.class
fhl_dec Fhl_dec declination (J2000) in the 3FHL catalogue deg pos.eq.dec
fhl_name Fhl_name source name in the 3FHL catalogue N/A;src
fhl_ra Fhl_ra right ascension (J2000) in the 3FHL catalogue deg pos.eq.ra
magnitudes_DSS Magnitudes_dss magnitude R in the DSS survey N/A phot.mag
magnitudes_Gaia Magnitudes_gaia magnitude G in the Gaia EDR3 survey N/A phot.mag
magnitudes_PanSTARRS Magnitudes_panstarrs magnitude i in the Pan-STARRS DR2 survey N/A phot.mag
redshift_reference Redshift_reference link for the redshift value reference N/A meta.ref.url
redshift_reliability Redshift_reliability redshift value reliability: High/Medium N/A meta.code.qual
redshift_value Redshift_value redshift value N/A src.redshift

Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.


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