For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource '__system__/obscore'
You can access this service using:
6.39839e+13 4.71372e+11 eV
2004.23 2008.66
This resource is not (directly) published. This can mean that it was deemed too unimportant, for internal use only, or is just a helper for a published service. Equally likely, however, it is under development, abandoned in development or otherwise unfinished. Exercise some caution.
The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
ID | Id | The publisher DID of the dataset of interest | N/A |;meta.main |
maxrec | Match limit | Maximum number of records returned. Pass 0 to retrieve service parameters. | N/A | N/A |
responseformat | Output Format | File format requested for output. | N/A | meta.code.mime |
verb | Verbosity | Exhaustiveness of column selection. VERB=1 only returns the most important columns, VERB=2 selects the columns deemed useful to the average user, VERB=3 returns a table with all available columns. | N/A | N/A |
VOResource XML (that's something exclusively for VO nerds)